A Personal Exploration of Digital History

A unique perspective on the expanding topic of the digital past.
A Personal Exploration of Digital History

Archive for October 10th, 2012

It Happens to the Best of Us

Posted in Uncategorized on October 10, 2012 by

As most of you should remember, my post last week was a little piece entitled Hacking: It Could Happen to You. Little did I know it would happen to me just over a week later. On the list of compromised accounts is my favorite social media site, a few student accounts, and an email account. I have always tried to use strong passwords and minimize the amount to daisychaining I do to my accounts. With my complicated passwords in play and the lack of connection between a few o the aforementioned accounts, this leads me to wonder “Where did I get complacent with my digital security?” As you could tell last week, I was fearful after reading Mat Honan’s story, but now I am downright shaken that someone somewhere was able to access all of this information about me. Just as I said last week, it really could happen to you. Don’t wait until tomorrow to ramp up your security measures – do it now! My story should just be more proof of the necessity for great preventative action. Don’t wait until its your turn.